Movement is a powerful medium for learning, through which students can acquire, practise and refine personal, behavioural, social and cognitive skills. As part of the Victorian Curriculum Yarra Primary School provides a specialist PE program for all of its students from Foundation Stage to Grade 6.
Foundation Students In PE Foundation Students practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts and in response to stimuli in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings. Students are also begin to identify people and actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy and learn basic knowledge about the body and how it works.
Grade 1 and 2 In Grade 1 and 2 Students continue to develop their fundamental motor skills and begin to apply them to small sided games where they develop their leadership, communication and teamwork skills. Students capitalise on the learning from Foundation Level and supports students to make decisions to enhance their health, safety and participation in physical activity. The content enables students to explore their own sense of self and the factors that contribute to and influence their identities and emotions.
Grade 3 and 4 In Grade 3 and 4 students further develops their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity. They are introduced to the major sports through modified games and begin to participate in the House Sports Events on Fridays in ‘Richmond District’ Competitions.
Grade 5 and 6 In Grade 5 and 6 students students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to create opportunities and take action to enhance their own and others’ health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity participation. Students participate in the major sports learning the rules and tactics to apply in them. They continue to participate in House Sports and ‘Richmond District Competitions.