The goals of Visible Wellbeing are to support students and staff to see, hear and feel wellbeing. Developing on from this, students and staff are provided with lessons and practices to build and strengthen their own and others' wellbeing.
The goals of Visible Wellbeing are to support students and staff to
hear and
feel wellbeing. Developing on from this, students and staff are provided with lessons and practices to build and strengthen their own and others' wellbeing. Additionally, we integrate approaches that facilitate optimum academic and social and emotional learning so that our students and teachers fulfil their own potential.
Recent examples at YPS include:
'Brief Emotional Uplifts': 'Just Dance' is a popular mood booster for our students during 'Brain Breaks'. Teachers too sometimes learn a dance before a staff meeting!
Modeling Emotions: Staff are supported to model emotional responses that cultivate and characterise a respectful, caring and high performing learning community. These include enjoyment, awe, and hope.
Strength Spotting: Staff and students routinely share the strengths they observe in each other.